Photo by Nick Bolton on Unsplash
2020 started off as a great year for everyone, including myself. As a 4th year Composition Honours Student at the Sydney Conservatorium of Music, I had decided to go part-time as industry projects, commissions and businesses were starting to gather momentum. So many things exciting adventures waited ahead, participation in overseas music programs and festivals, multiple premieres and large venue performances were just to name a few.
And then, in a matter of a single week, my entire year’s schedule got wiped clean.
Many people, myself included, are currently living in a time of great uncertainty. The majority of businesses in Australia have closed down and all Australian arts/entertainment industry related events and projects have been postponed until further notice. On top all this, lack of interaction and routine during social isolation isn’t exactly doing wonders for our physical or mental health.
This is exactly why maintaining creativity is now more important than ever.
Art is this powerful, emotive tool that can channel emotions in a way that transcends existing languages. It is medicine for the soul and heals people by bringing a sense of peace and comfort during uncertain times. Not only that, the arts motivates. It has the ability to give others hope during periods of adversity.
As creators and artists, we have been blessed with the ability to be able to provide this positive energy towards others. Our art can not only ground people’s day-to-day routines but bring people out of their existing negative mindsets. People look to art to escape, to relax and to feel like themselves again. We must continue to create to help people feel ‘connected’ during a time of social isolation.
What can we do to maintain our creativity and motivation?
Continuing our learning and educating others: Online Workshops, Resources and Platforms
Get in touch with ICE for more information on their programs that have gone online
Youbrio are good for online lessons.
MENTORSHIP: Business Connect provides 4 hours of free mentoring and advice to creative freelancers and arts organisations at no cost.
MAINTAINING BUSINESS: Tips on how to keep your audience during a time of crisis
Transforming the way we distribute our art
You can actually host a movie screening through zoom which has:
A share screen option
share the computer audio
This way, you can still host premieres and screenings in the comfort of your own home.
To host lessons and workshops over zoom rather than meetings, watch this video to change your settings.
US Resources: Artist Relief Tree, Fund for U.S based Artists (currently $250000 worth of donations)
Australian Resources: Experiencing financial stress due to COVID-19? The Jobseeker Payment can be applied through the Centrelink website. Access Centrelink through your MyGov account.
While the UK has dedicated $192m and NZ launches a $16m Relief Package for the arts, it has just been recently announced that the Australian Council of the Arts has directed $5m towards immediate relief to Australian Arts. Application Process and dates are soon to be announced.
Self Care
Self Care is extremely important during this time!
Music as a tool to relax: I recommend this newly released album called ‘The Shimmering Haze’. Alexis Weaver spent two years working on this album (listen with headphones/earphones). It’s a wonderful marriage of found sounds and electronics creating a texture that could only be described by myself as ‘surreal’ and ‘intricate’. I have recently discovered ‘Housework’ playlists that include many upbeat songs perfect to vacuum or sort out your wardrobe to. Walk by is a fantastic tool to select Spotify songs based on speed/tempo to cater to your personal exercise routine.
Netflix Party: It is important to continue to stay connected to friends and family as much as possible, this is also a form of self-care. Try Netflix Party, a new chrome browser extension that allows you to sync your netflix screen with others. Just because we are social distancing doesn’t mean that movie nights are over!
MENTAL HEALTH CARE: Entertainment Assist is providing FREE mental health care to artists affected.
I hope that you will find these tips and recommendations useful in periods of social isolation. I wish everyone a safe and healthy quarantine. Keep on creating!